Saturday, September 20, 2008

Middle Age Crisis

You know your time will come, sooner or later, you'll be there.


And you will know, once you're there. How?

When people stop commenting how pretty you are. The word pretty might changed to elegant if you are lucky!

When someone tells you, you need a good moisturiser, meaning your skin is dry!

When someone tells you, you need to go for more facial, meaning your skin is dull!

When men stop looking at you!

When your eyesight starts to fail you.

When your hair starts thinning!

Sounds so scary. I know my time is approaching and I'm a little scared. Being a vain person, I am very particular about my appearance. How can I let myself go? How could I? People around me keep asking me to use this use that, eat this eat that, try this try that and the list goes on. I know, I know, of course you can slow down the process of aging...but it requires MONEY! And lots of it I think. Please people, I would use, eat or try anything if they're FREE!

But nothing in this world comes free. No free lunch also. So how? Just let it be? Or just spend the money? Such a hard decision to make. I want my youth but I also want to keep my money!
Anything out there that is cheap and good? I doubt it, if anything wrong happened, have to spend more money. No, no, no, penny wise pound foolish.

Maybe someone clever will come up with something later? Can that someone please help me?

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