Monday, March 9, 2009

Something fishy?

This blue box created some kind of waves the past few days.

Yes, the ruling came from LKIM last week and causes fish importers to go on strike. Creating a shortage of fish in our market and soon the price of fish soars, in the end the consumers suffer!

Then, Government steps in and resolves the matter. Things back to normal. There you go, no worries, we (the Government) are here to help the people. See what we've done for you. Now you should be grateful and vote us in the next election!

Yes! Malaysia Boleh! (Malaysia Can!) Apa-apa pun boleh jadi! (Anything also can happen!)

Sorry, don't mean to hold BM Language lessons here but just thought of throwing a word or two just in case you think I do not know anything about this language.

Back to our blue box story, sometimes we, the people of this beloved country have often been taken for rides by our Government be it obviously or not. They always come up with some superb ideas with figures pluck out from thin air and implemented these so called 'great ideas' without giving them a second thought. ...and if it doesn't work they will gladly passed it out as "It's only a suggestion?"., whose idea was it that these insulated containers must be use to transport imported fish? What is the good thing about these containers, more hygienic? Keep the fish fresher? More economical? Easier to obtain?

Hell no! According to our fish importers!

These containers are much smaller (200 litre capacity) compared to the current ones (220 litre) and they cost RM205 each compared to current ones RM130 each. This is surely not economical! Hey, don't they know how to count? I wonder which preschool those guys from LKIM attended? Surely don't want to send my kids there!

More hygienic? Better insulation so fish can be kept fresh for a longer period. Cool! Right on! But then why only 10% of the load are to use this cool containers? Why not 100%? So, the other 90% of fish load can go to rot? For all they care, as long as they (LKIM) gets the 10% sales of blue box from each transported load? ....??? Oh, did I mention that all these blue containers can only be bought from ONE SUPPLIER? You guess who?

Great! Who will buy this? Morons!

After all the hoos and hahs, yours truly (our beloved government) came out to say, "With immediate effect, the importers can use the insulated containers on a voluntary basis." CASE CLOSED!

Remember? After a case is closed no questions are allowed anymore! (quoted by our beloved PM) I guess I have to shut up now???

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