Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hudud Law???

This term has been mentioned again and again and again.

What is Hudud Law? An Islamic law constitution? If it is being implemented in a state or a country, does that mean it will apply to everyone? Muslims and non-Muslims alike?

Does it mean our High Court, Low Court, Medium Court will be changed to Syariah High or Low or Medium Court?

Does it also mean that all non-Muslims will have to follow Islamic Law?

Does it mean that there will be no more entertainment joints allowed, e.g pubs, discos, nightclubs, karaokes, cinemas, etc?

Does it mean that all men can take 4 wives???

If the answer is 'No'. Then why worry? Why all the commotion?

If the answer is 'Yes'. Mama Mia! Then it'll be a big hoohah!

I hope someone can enlighten me on this.

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