Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Poor Old Folks?

I read the news a couple of days ago, regarding old folks being abandoned by their children. Some are outraged by this situation and expressed anger over the children's decision and labeled them 'inhuman'?

Right, abandoning your aged parent is really not such a nice thing to do. Then how?

Imagine this : Your aged parent stays with you. They have absolutely no savings because they have used them all up on you! Now you are married, have a steady job of an average income and have a family to feed, your own young children to look after and to see them through school, college and university. You have to pay for your house, credit cards, car, utilities, etc. Wow! Seems like heavy burden! More so if you have ill stricken parents, their medical bill sky rockets and they don't have insurance coverage and thus drains you out financially. Wow 3x! An even heavier burden!

So your wife works to help support your financial needs, send the children to daycare centres. Your aged sick parent stayed at home alone and you call them a few times a day to make sure they are okay, your children call you a few times a day because they missed you? You rush home after work to pick up your wife (you only have one car) and then your children, and go get food for dinner. And you finally reached home to find your parent has soiled his pants and the sofa? Wow! This drains you physically.

And if you say something not so nice.....?

You are not a good child! You are not filial! You are not a good person!??? Yes? No?

Then your parents will be unhappy, you will be unhappy, your family will be unhappy. So sad...

Or....imagine this : Your old aged parents have got plenty of savings, medical insurance coverage up to the age of 80. They don't stay with you but they stayed very near to where you stayed. They are healthy. You don't have to give them monthly allowance, you don't have to pay their medical bills. You just have to take care of your own family. And you visit your parents every weekend and they cook up a sumptuous meal for your family at no cost to you!

You have nothing but only nice things to say to them, how lucky you are to have them as your parents and grandparents to your children!

Your parents are happy, you are happy, your family is happy! Happy ending...yes?

So, my conclusion to this issue is : If you're old and you have no money, then you're f@#ked!!!
Start saving money NOW! And if you're old try not to fall sick? It's better to just die then to get sick. Agree?

Don't put the blame on your children! Do not doubt your children's love for you! Of course they love you! If they have the capability, they will definitely care for you but their family is still their priority.

Therefore be good to yourself now, even if it means you have to be mean to your children. Take care of your own needs first. Do not use up your savings for your children! Do not mortgage your house to send them overseas! Do not finance their business! Sounds cruel?? It's reality!

Remember? You need the money for your old age!

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