Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Yoga Ban

I do not practice Yoga nor do I know much about this form of exercise (actually I prefer Kharmasutra, sshh..don't tell anyone ok?) but I got to know that Yoga is beng banned in our beloved country for Muslims. The term "Haram" is being used in this case, which put Yoga in line with alcohol, illicit sex, drugs, corruptions, pigs....???

Why Yoga? "Because it contains Hinduism elements, it will corrupt your mind", the Fatwa Council said. What about Tai Chi and Qi Gong? Tae Kwan Do, Karate, Wushu? What's next?

Does practicing Yoga make anyone less Muslim or more Hindu than he/she already is? What about Buddhist and Christians? Why are they exempted from the ban? Why not ban Yoga totally, wipe it out from our country? Then we will all be safe?? Our minds won't be corrupted?? Of what??

My opinion? Is entirely up to the person and how strong his faith towards his religion. If his faith is strong, nothing can shake him. If not, then he has himself to be blame not someone else's religion. I think we have minds of our own, we don't need to be grounded like little children to prevent us from doing something that might hurt ourselves or in this case is our nation!

On the other hand, maybe this might be good for some of our leaders who find it difficult to control their.....(I remember someone being caught participating in a Hindu prayer ceremony)

So, with due respect, I cannot agree with this honorable council's decision.

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